Since the time I began driving I’ve always been threatened/warned that drinking and driving is a no-no, and should I challenge mom and dad’s orders, hell hath no fury, like the Winkler Parent’s Scorned!

Today, I have my own children or in many countries, there called adults, that all drive, and I understand the fear of any parent living with:

  • My child receiving a DUI, or being the cause of great bodily injury or death, and spending years with bars between us, or
  • The parent of a victim from a drunk driver, and living with the unimaginable pain of a causing injury or even death

However, with age dare I say I’ve accumulated wisdom, and recognize the generational shift. When I was 16, the overall information of the dangers of driving vehicle while impaired were known but not to the extent of how forensic science and toxicology have taken it today.  Anyone in Bakersfield that cruised Chester Ave. or drove back and forth around Stockdale Six Movie Theatre had been in that position where the police would pull us over, find our beer (usually front seat) and punish us by pouring out all of our beer near Van Horne School as other passerby’s would laugh.

Last New Years, from December 31, 2016 to January 2, 2017, Bakersfield had over 18 DUI arrest.


That’s eighteen plus family and friends lives affected by an avoidable act at the beginning of a beautiful new year.

Think about all the information, statistics, and litigation it took for us to become more educated on how dangerous driving under the influence would ultimately change one’s life within seconds. While law enforcement became increasingly strict, my children now find themselves with opportunities like Uber and Lyft, to insure a safe drive home.  In fact, as a parent told me recently, for any high school kid today to receive a DUI, is simply stupid with all the various companies that can be used to insure their safety!

However, the problem is that we are all human, which means that we are all imperfect individuals.  Kern Golden Empire News recently stated, “Its no secret that drinking and driving is a serious issue in Kern County, but the District Attorney’s office says repeat DUI offenders are an epidemic plaguing our streets and putting everyone at risk.  So, even with new practical solutions and phone apps, we are all still human.

Folks, my job as a criminal defense attorney is to place and strive the highest level of skill, to improve the law and profession.  By following the Rules of Professional Conduct, outlining our duties in many respects to representation, it becomes similar to a Checks and Balances system to insure the roles of law enforcement, prosecution, defense, and the court, so as information evolves, our duties change and make the law more informative and timely.

The Law Office of B. Scott Winkler does not want to see people hurt, injured, or involved with a death due to an avoidable act like drinking and driving. As a member of the legal system, should you find yourself in need of counsel, please contact me at (661) 746-0235, for an immediate free and reliable consultation! Happy Holidays!